Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Paradise Lost"Arguments"

M.K. Bhavnagar University
Name: Tadha Vanita P.
Class: M.A.-1
Semester: 1
Roll No.  : 31
Paper: 1[The Renaissance Literature]
Topic: Paradise Lost “Argument”
Submitted to: Department of English
Guided by: Dr. Dilip Barad
Year: 2014-15

 Paradise Lost “Arguments”(book-9)

Paradise is the most crucial one for understanding Milton’s presentation of the disobedience and fall of man. Even though he refers to man’s disobedience in the first line of the epic itself he deals with it only in Book -9. In the preface to this book, Milton says that he has to perform a ‘sad task’ and change the ‘notes to tragic. Yet he feels that his ‘argument’ is more heroic than the themes presented by Homer and Virgil in their epics. His concept of heroism is totally different from that of the martial spirit of the old epics and the chivalry of the medieval romances. His ‘unpremeditated verse’ presents.
                                     The better fortitude
                       Of patience and heroic martyrdom
                        UN sung.
And to him fighting the battle of life with faith in oneself and in God is heroism.
          Adam and Eve look like every man and every woman in book-9. Adam and Eve with their ‘naked majesty’ move about like lords supreme in Book-9. Adam and Eve become human and to that extent lovable only when they are rid of their pristine glory.
There are three arguments in Paradise Lost Book-9
1). Argument between Adam and Eve
2). Argument between Eve and Satan
3). Argument between Adam and Eve
Let we see in detail:-
1). Argument between Adam and Eve:

Paradise Lost Book 9 opens with a dramatic situation of Eve developing a novel idea of working all by herself. Adam and Eve work together in the garden but she thinks that thereby      
      Looks intervene and smiles, or object new                     
 Casual discourses draw on.                                                                           
And their day’s work is interrupted. Adam feels terrible unhappy partly because he cannot be separated from Eve and partly because of the lurking enemy in the vicinity Ben on running them both. Both Eve has different ideas and Adam unwillingness to be separated from her is misconstrued by her as lack of confidence in her. Finally almost questioningly she says,
       Frail is our happiness, if this being so;
      And Eden was no Eden, thus exposed.
    We find the main theme is Disobedient. It means Eve does not satisfy with view of Adam. Instead of it she starts more and more argument as like
“Let us divide our labours, thou where choice
  Leads thee, or where most needs, whether to wind.”
He doesn’t want to give permissions to Eve for separate work because he is a true lover of her and he doesn’t want that Eve go far away from him. But the argument of Eve indicates the more intellectuality and knowledgeable. She thinks that if we do separate works then work become easy she starts argue like
 “Let us divide our labour, thou where”
Adam is a little annoyed with her she is finding fault with God’s ways. He also realise that Eve’s stay ‘not free is as good as being absent. So he permits her to go. He doesn’t allow her that is his loyalty towards her. We know his loyalty from this senescence.
                 “My firmness therefore doubt”
It means his duty to take care of her.
His violence thou fear’s not being such
 As we, not capable of death or pain
 Can either not receive, or can repel.
His fraud is then they fear, which plan infers
Thy equal fear that my firm faith and love
 Can by his fraud be shak’n or seduc’d;
If there is not sad and death then what he do? God give us all kind of happiness therefore no need to afraid. Anything you think for me. It is your mist ought. He allow with respect so he uses
“Daughter of God and man, immortal Eve
For such thou art, from sin and blame entire”.
Fear is mechanism and if we are always live in fear then what is the kind of happiness and it is not called Paradise.
Let us not then suspect our there are different from each other, easy work is for Eve and hard is for Adam. It suggests the physical power of human beings.
Milton describes Eve in the most glorious words. As Eve leaves Adam she is fair than the mountain nymphs, wood like Diana herself in her guilt though she may not be armed with bow and quivers, she is like pales, panama or cares, all in the prime of youth.
Us both securer than thus warn, d thou seems
Go; for the stay, not free, absents thee more;
Go in thy native innocence, rely
On what thou hast of virtue, summon all,
For God towards thee hath done his part, do thine.
Adam looks at Eve with longing and she repeatedly assures him that she will be back with him by noontide. This is the last time we see Eve in her glory for the much deceived Eve will never find ‘sweet repast’ or ‘sound repose’ from that time onwards. All this dramatised scene of the human pair is based on Milton’s own creative imagination. The Farwell is touching.
2). Argument between Eve and Satan

Eve works in garden of roses, she herself being the ‘fairest unsupported flower’ Satan in the shape of serpent thries to seduduce her. This scene of seduction is presented with artistic. Excellence. Eve overpowered by the oratorical sonority of the Devil. He come near Eve and surprise by her beauty and forgot whole plan which he want to destroy human life. Suddenly again start to praise her because he knows that woman can easily melt by her praise.
“She most, and in her look sums all delight.
Such pleasure took the serpent to behold.
This flow’ry plat, the sweet recess of Eve
Thus early, thus alone; her heav’nly from
Angelic, but more soft, and feminine,
Her graceful innocence, her every air    
Of gesture or least action overaw’dX
 His malice, and with rapine sweet bereav’d
His fierceness of the fierce inten’t it brought:
That space the evil one abstracted stood
From his own evil, and for the time remain’d
Stupidly good, of enmity disarm’d
Of guile of hate of envy, of revenge;
But the hot hell that always in him burns,
Though in mid heav’n, soon ended his delight”,
     Eve is a beautiful human and so when Satan come to convince her but unfortunately he melt in front of Eve because of her beauty and he become a common man. After few minutes he again starts praising the beauty of Eve. Eve does not know about his intention so she feels proud and vanity. Suddenly Satan understand that he is successful and he also add few argument like I know anima have not articulate but mute. When he eat knowledge of use human language and he advice her that if you eat this apple then you become as a God and now Eve is hungered for Knowledge and want to be superior than other so she fail to understand the real intention of Satan.
When may this mean? Language of man pronounce’d
By tongue of brute, and human sense express’d?
He also say you should to eat because in a person who become scholar means knowledgeable person and I am serpent and now I get high thinking and human articulates and you are alredy woman so definitely you get something more than me.
Empress of this fair world, resplendent Eve,
Easy to me it is to tell thee all
What thous command’st and right thou shouldst be obey’d
I was at first as other beasts that graze,
A goodly three far distant to behold
Loaden with fruit of fairest colours mix’d
Ruddy and gold: I never drew to gaza;
   Eve told him that g refuse us to eat knowledge of apple [prohibited fruit] so he argue that may be god doesn’t God so he refuse. Therefore he says nothing happen with you if you eat this prohibited fruit except you get knowledge
“Praise is necessary but, praise become flatter it is not fair”
At starting when he meets Eve same time he surprise by her beauty and start to praise about her beauty he has respect for her beauty but there is one problem that he want to complete his plan so his praise for her beauty is converted in to flatter. Eve becomes vanity and procurable so she become blind and cannot understand the hiding meaning of Satan.
  Now you look on me it is safety for us it mean if we eat my shape remain and I got more power. There is no rule to be eaten so you can follow this particular law. She totally believes in Satan so she eats without taking the permeation of Adam.
How should ye? By the fruit? It gives you life
To knowledge; by the threat’ner? Look on me?
Now I know why they refuse? Because immortal may be it happen beast not die but I can die but he say you will be like God death will be but it is death of humankind and instead of it divinity come. Therefore there is no need to afraid freely test it serpent goes.
   She start to think, if I tell to Adam or not her first thought if she not tell him and it become that I will be die and Adam get another Eve that indicate her lust. She happily come near Adam and tell her and Satan’s story to him so Adam become upset because she disobey the law of God .Adam has truly faith in God so he dislike that idea and he falls in depressive mood.
   The serpent takes upon itself a new role. It waxes eloquent over the injustices to God and tries to give sophisticated explanations. Eve cannot understand the subtly in the arguments of the serpent very cleverly the devil argues that death only means a transformation from the human state to divine. If God is not just, then one need not fear Gog and obey him. All these complex rhetorical arguments leave Eve puzzled and perplexed. Very soon the hour of noon comes and Eve feels hungry. Even otherwise the fruit is alluring and tempting. It becomes more desirable as Eve’s physical need grows. Milton tries to show Eve as a human being registering thereby the sympathies of the reader. For the moment the theological aspect of Eve’s transgression is forgotten. It is an extremely human situation that Milton presents and he brings in the relationship of nature with man as he sums up the fall,
Earth felt the wound, and Nature from her seat,
Sighing through all the works, gave signs of woe
That all was lost.
3) Argument between Adam and Eve

Adam waits for but to no purpose so he moves in the opposite direction to meet Eve and happens to see her near the tree of knowledge. This is the main and central scene in the epic. The moment Adam sees Eve he understands that Eve has sinner. In her face her excuses from a prologue, the garland wreath for Eve falls, the roses fade away, but Adam says,
   With thee
    Certain my resolution is to die.
For she is ‘flesh of flesh’ and he does not want to be parted from her, bliss or woe.
   Milton thus presents Adam as a stead fast lover who is prepared to lose everything for the sake of Eve. Adam says emphatically,
 Our state cannot be severed; we are one
One flesh; to be thee was to lose myself.
Eve takes the whole affair as ‘a glorious trial of exceeding love’ as an “illustrious evidence, example high’ of unbounded love. In the hour of need when Eve is exposed to God’s ire Adam feels that he should be with her. Love for Eve takes precedence over his duty to God. Primary obligation becomes secondary and his reasons it’s obscured. Topsy-turvydom leads to obscu and his reason are obscured. Topsy-turvydom leads to obscure ration of reason. But in the world of love what he chooses to do far Eve is praiseworthy though in the realm of duty his action is unforgivable. Finally Adam overcome with ‘female charm’ east’s the fruit. Earth trembles from her entrails nature groans a second time and the mortal sin is total.
     Again the background of ‘exceeding love Adam’s transgression of God’s command seems to be a venial sin. Milton shows the association of man with nature once again when Adam’s fall in echoed by the objects of nature. Adam and eve in Book-9 look human and their sentiments have an appeal to the reader. They do not for fait our sympathies even after the fall. The temptation scene is book-9 is presented with artistic skill. Nowhere dose Milton expose Adam and Eve to censure. As lover Adam and Eve reign supreme in book-9. 
   But the eating of the forbidden fruit has its own deleterious acquire knowledge of the discerning type but it also brings them inconveniences they realise for the first time that they are naked and it is wrong to move about in that state Adam has lost his glorious innocence. Now he is in a mood to find fault with Eve, who according to him, could have stayed with him instead of exposing herself to the lures of the enemy. Eve is annoyed and asks him why he allowed her to go. He, being the head, should have commanded her not to go. To that Adam replies,
I warned thee, I admonished thee, foretold
The danger and the lurking enemy
That lay in wait; beyond this had been force
And upon free-will hath hath here to place.
Adam justifies his action as much as much as God would. God sends Raphael to warn him of the enemy. Raphael advice Adam not to yield to temptation but instead to govern Eve also from falling prey to foul play. But Adam has to exercise his free will in the right direction of worshipping God. Adam chooses to violate God’s command, of force free will has no place in heaven Adam’s relationship with God, Eve’s relationship with Adam, and all these are governed by free being used properly. The obscuring of reason leads to the fall.
   The heated argument of Adam and Eve each justifying his own stand again remind us of human beings. So Adam and Eve establish an identity with human situations and there by become loveable. In book 9, in the prelapsarian state, one looks at them with wonder and a certain aloofness. But in book 9, the postapsarian Adam and Eve being true to life evoke sympathy and understanding.
Fall of man

 To sum up Paradise Lost book-9 is full of argument. It shows us the intellectuality of character. By first argument we understand male is dominants so Eve take permission from him. We also find true love of Adam towards Eve. In the second argument Eve is clever but she melt suddenly by her vanity and hunger of knowledge so she last fruit without much think temptation scene also very well and at the last argument we see the fall of man