Friday, 30 October 2015

My Presentation

Paper No.:9 (The Modernist Literature)
Title: Myths in 'The Waste Land'

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Myth in 'The Waste Land' from Department of English

Paper No.:10 (The American Literature)
Title: Theme of Poe's Short Story

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Theme of Poe's short story from Department of English

Paper No.:11 (The Post-colonial Literature)
Title: Comparison between Caliban and Friday

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Comparision between Caliban and Friday from Department of English

Paper No.:11 (English Language Teaching)
Title: Difference between CLT and ALT

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Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Ania Loomba’s views about Colonialism/Post colonialism and selected term

Ania Loomba’s views about Colonialism/Post colonialism and selected term

Name: Vanita P. Tadha
Class: MA SEM-3
Roll No.: 30        Year: 2015
Enrolment No.: pg14101029
Paper No.: 11[The Postcolonial Literature]
Submitted to: Department of English

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Ania Loomba’s views about Colonialism/Post colonialism and selected term


She received her BA, MA, and M.Phill degrees from the Delhi University. She researches and teaches early modern literature, history of race and colonialism, post colonialism studies, feminist theory and contemporary Indian literature.
Before we go further reading we must race the term ‘Colonialism’. It’s related with colony.  According to Oxford English Dictionary the meaning of colony is
‘A country under the control of another and occupied by settlers from there’
Colony creates two another terms


    Colonizer                                                         Colonized

First world country rule over another third world country and make them inferior, subaltern or slave and ruler of this is known as colonizers and transform them in to their culture it means ‘colonized’.
Colonialism/Post colonialism began with the ending of 20th century or after pos war. Its roots were in the Columbus arrival for the new found land and with the Vasco de Gama. There is not much difference between colonialism and post colonialism both sit together.

Colonial/Postcolonial writers

Chinua Achebe, Althusser, Ascraft, Griffiths Baudrillard, Homi K. Bhabha, Cessaire, Gaytri Chakravorty Spivak, Franz Fanon, Gramasci, Mahasweta Devi, Shashi Tharu, Thiango, Ania loomba etc.

Some prominent writers of the colonial/postcolonial writings

Ania Loomba: Ania Loomba is Catherine Bryson professor in the field of English at the Pennsylvania. Her popular works are:
1.       ‘Gender’ Race, Renaissance drama.
2.       ‘Dead Woman Tell no Tales: Issues of Female subjectivity’.
3.       ‘Shakespeare, Race and colonialism (2002)
4.       ‘postcolonial’ studies and Beyond (2005)

Althusser (1971): His work ’Lenin and philosophy and other essay also translated.

 The term colonialism, according to Oxford English Dictionary comes from the Roman term ‘colonai’ which means ‘farm’ or ‘settlement’. It means Roman settled in other lands but still they are craving for their own land. The Oxford English Dictionary defined as

“A settlement in a new country… a body of people who settle in a new locality, forming a community so formed, consisting of the original settlers and their descendants and successors as long as the connection with the parent state is kept up”.

Ania Loomba’s book ‘colonialism/post colonialism is divided in to three part. She mainly discussed about how ‘colonialism’ relevant with the person, place and things.

Ania Loomba discuss such term like


The ‘OED’ defines ‘imperial’ as ‘Pertaining to empire’ and ‘imperialism’ as the rule of an arbitrary king is ruling over a small area. This word coined by British Prime Minister Benjamin in Disraeli in 1870s. And Joseph chamberlain support of the movement.

Colonial discourse

About this theory Homi Bhabha has given his views in 1980 that it dealt with heredity, ambiovalalence and mimicry. While Foucault o, this discourse, is the complex of signs and practices that organize social existence and social reproduction in colonial discourse. It is related with Edward Said’s ‘Orientalism’. It focused on the knowledge of powerful people.
For Ex: British rule over India. They had technological knowledge through which they made us     powerless.


It is about two categories. One on power and another one is suppress by it. Without one we can’t recognize other one.
Such race:
Boy – Girl
Day – Night
White – Black
Good – Bad
It provokes discourse among people.


Class and caste system often creates difference in the human beings.
For Ex: In India a boy is well set, well educated, good looking then even parents of girl not allow them to marry with that boy just because he is belong to the lower cast.


Colonialism/Post colonialism is also one kind of hybridity.  To accept hybrid life is often problematic. Hybridity refers in its most basic sense to mixture. Hybridity is journey from biological to cultural discussion.


It is not emphasize on any particular country or culture. It is a combination of multi – culture. Somewhere in the process of ‘Globalization’ also near to colonialism. Globalization and social networking makes people together or connect with link. And such things like language, food, thought, clothes and many more things in which people can be broad minded.


Post-Modernism is influential over modernity. This word first used by Leotard in 1930 in his work ‘answering the question: what is Postmodernism?

Selected term

Anti – colonialism

In the second half of the twentieth century, anti – colonialism was often articulated in term of a radical, Marxist discourse of liberation. Anti – colonialism has taken many forms in different colonial situations: it is sometimes associated with an ideology of racial liberation. It emphasizes the need to reject colonial power and restore local control. This term especially focus on particular anti culture which people prefer to turn back. It is a kind of political struggle between colonizes people and anti colonizes.


Decolonization is the process of revealing and dismantling colonialist power in all its form. This includes dismantling the hidden aspects of those institutional and cultural forces that had maintained the colonialist power and that remain even after political independence is achieved.


The word exotic was first used in 1599 to mean ‘alien’. It introduce from abroad, not indigenous. The key concept her is the introduction of the exotic from abroad in to a domestic economy. It is also consider as foreign. In the earlier days of European put exotic in artifacts, plants and animals. European dreamed to have exotic for to be exhibited themselves.


Hegemony is initially a term referring to the dominance of one state. This broader meaning was coined and popularized in the 1930s by Italian Marxist Antonia Gramasci. He investigates why the ruling class is so successful in promoting its own interest in society. Hegemony is the power of the ruling class to convince other classes that their interest is the interest of all. Though such medium dominant class makes other class to follow them and what they are doing is right.

Magic realism

This term first used I postcolonial context I the foundation essay by Jacques Stephen Alexis ‘of the magical realism of the Haitians’. This term popularized when it was employed to characterize the work of South American writers widely translated into English and other languages.
1] Midnight’s children   -Salman Rushdie
2] The Famished Road    - Ben Okri
3] The Bone people
4] Green Grass, Ruin Water


It is near to savage. Subalterns are a term adopted by Antonio Gramasci Subaltern means ‘to inferior’. It refers to those groups in society who are the subject of hegemony of the ruling classes. Subaltern classes may include peasants, workers and other lower class people. They are not able to rise their voice against dominant. They are not always poor in term of money or physically but by their work and class.


Ideology in the Althusserian sense is “the imaginary relation to the conditions of existence”. It can be described as a set of conscious and unconscious ideas which make up one’s goals, expectation, and motivations. It is a set of standards that are followed by people, government and or other groups that is considered the ‘norm’.
It is a way of looking at things, as argued in several philosophical lenience. It can also be a set of ideas proposed by the dominant class of society to all members of society.

Modernism and Post colonialism

Modernism is a twentieth century European movement in the creative art. Modernism is usually defined as a European movement and it has been argued that the encounter with African culture I the so – called ‘scramble for Africa’. The European powers were engaged in violently suppressing the ‘savage’ culture of Africa. European sees African as pig. They keep them as their slave.


Ania Loomba is famous for postcolonial literature. She has researched on race, c colonial terms. Post colonialism, postcolonial study and feminist theory. Post colonial term helpful to understand the culture of any particular area. The culture is goes on changing. Postcolonial literature belongs to the time in which other colonies establish over native people. Anti – colonialism, hegemony, subaltern and exoticism are the post


Duality of language

Duality of language

Name: Vanita P. Tadha
Class: MA SEM – 3
Roll No. : 30      Year: 2015
Enrolment No.: pg14101029
Paper No.: 12 [English Language Teaching]
Submitted to: Department of English

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Duality of language

Duality: The quality or condition of being dual.
Language: The system of communication used by a particular community or country.

What is duality of language?

Languages have multi-side in its nature. The style of writing is different than speaking. The way of understanding is also differ like direct and indirect method.

Here I am focusing on duality of understanding the style of language. The language is esoteric.  It can be interpreted in different way. There are so many languages in the world. It is manmade. Sometimes it betrays us. It has such kind of power and without it a man cannot sustain in the world. If a person doesn’t know the sound or verbal of language than they have such kind of gesture and expression through which they communicate.

The language is very important in life. It helps us to understand other people but it also cheats us. If we have language power than we can win others otherwise can’t.

Any language is a kind of tool or a medium through which we can express our thought, expression, ideas, emotion etc. Sometimes it’s a kind of wooden toy through which we are playing.

Duality of language in literature

1] Direct way to understand
2] Indirect way to understand

1] Direct way to understand

Language have layer to understand. Whatever read and direct without any evidence or theory we can understand is known as direct method of understanding.

If any poet is writing a poem in direct way than he/she emphasize on straight object related to their subject.

For Ex: A poet is writing about love than he will choose two people, roes and such things. He/she will write in simple way. They don’t need to go for other element like far fetched images.

“Language o man is the language of poetry”

Wordsworth focuses on language when he was writing poetry.Wordsworth argued that poetry should be written in the real language of common man, rather than in the lofty and elaborate dictions that were then considered “poetic”.

The language of conversation in the middle and classes of society is adapted to the purpose of poetic pleasure. Such men communicate with the best objects from which the best part of language is originally derived.

People convey their feelings and notions in simple and unelaborated expression.
Wordsworth focus on simple language rather than philosophical. The language of poetry should be the language ‘really used by men’, but it should be a section’ of such language. He is on the side of simple language that a common man can read it without any evidence.

Literary text: It’s a simple interpretation.

1] Hamlet: Prince of Denmark. He was mad and that’s why he was sent to England. He has no sense so he ever disturbing to other like Claudius, his uncle and Gertrude his mother. Even he said
 “Filthy thy name is woman”
Woman is always fraud to man. All women are equal. In his madness he spoke
“Forty thousand brothers cannot equal to one lover”
He loves too much to Ophelia but after her death.

2] To the Lighthouse: Mrs. Ramsey is protagonist of the novel. She loves too much to her family. She is a faithful wife or a house maker and that’s why she is doing everything for her family. She is playing her role as a good wife or mother.
Lily Briscoe is a painter and she is painting of Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey’s family.

3] Robinson Crusoe: Robinson Crusoe wants to be a master. He starts his sea journey. He founds an island, there is no human being. He becomes a master of that island. He gets everything like land, power and mastery.

4] Harry Ape: Majority characters belong to lower class. They are doing their duty in ship. They are drinking beer and enjoying their life.

5] The Bluest Eye: A girl Pecola wants blue eye and therefore she is doing anything for blue eye. At last she dies because she doesn’t get blue eye.

In these examples we find that each has their simple or direct meaning. It provides basic understanding to the mind. If we goes on reading than there is no need to read twice or thrice and no necessary to goes in deep in this method. We can get the simple meaning through reading. Direct suggestion anyone can understand.

Chetan Bhagat’s entire novels are written in simple way. It’s about young generation. It is for entertainment.

2] Indirect way to understand:

Sometimes such things are not understand well or looking attractive in direct method than we have to choose indirect method to convey our message.

The language is highly elevated. It is not understand by all. Sometimes we need such kind of theory to understand. Many times words and meanings are contextual. If we doesn’t know context or evidence than we may fail to get right conclusion.

For Ex:
1.       Teacher:  What is the chemical formula of water?
Student: H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O.
Teacher: What are you talking about?
Student: Yesterday you said it’s H to O.

2.       Why did the car have a stomachache?
         It had too much gas!

3.       Is it better to do homework on an empty stomach or full stomach?  
        Neither! It’s better to do your homework on paper!

In these examples questions and answer are right but the context is different so answer will be wrong.

Literary text:  In deep way

1] Hamlet: In actually he is not mad. He is taking reaction of action. He has strong mind therefore he think a lot and then he takes action. His mother is responsible for his action. He wants to know reality and that’s why he is acting like mad.
He is a philosopher still he is searching his answers in the world. He will be the prince of Denmark so he taking every action by contemplates. There is always hidden meaning behind his action.

2] Tom Jones: Henry Fielding presents how a bad character can be a good. Tom has many affairs but through his good work he becomes a good character throughout the novel.

3] Waiting For Godot: There are two characters. Both are good in their way. Vladimir is strong with mind power where as Estragon with his physicality. They are acting as a common man. If we only focus on writing then we find it as meaningless but it has too much deep meaning. They are representing the life of every (common) human being. Estragon is a simple man. He ever forgets every incident. He is doing nothing whereas Vladimir has intellectual power. He is representing the life of philosopher.
They are waiting for Mr. Godot. Instead of him a messenger boy comes to passes the message of Mr. Godot. He speaks as he will definitely come tomorrow. Ultimate it means we are waiting for death. Life is without a single meaning.

4] Mourning Becomes Electra: This play is about the manon family. It is an ambiguous. The family belongs to upper middle class. They prefer to joint army. Ezra comes back from army to home. He comes to know about the relation or affair of his wife to other man.  He becomes weak. He dies and his death is an ambiguous. Who is real responsible for his death Levinia or Christine?
Somewhere looks are similar of some characters like Livonia and her mother Christine and, Orin and his father Ezra and Adam Band.
 Orin killed Adam because he wants her mother’s attention. He says to Christine that I will make you happy. May wants to relax and society is not ready to accept them so they went to Island. Somehow Christine is suicide. Orin and Levinia come back to home. Orin also get suicide. Levinia remains at home. She prefer to dead life.

5] The Old Man and The Sea: This is a story of Old man. He went too far in sea. He is at old age still he wants to achieve something. It has deep meaning that old is wise and he has many experience. He is a fisherman. He has too much hope and desire.

He struggle a lot but he success to catch huge fish Marlin. He wishes for youth. He believes that ‘a man can be destroyed but not defeated’. When he reached at home at that time only remain the rubbish of fish.


So, the direct method of understanding any language and Indirect method of understanding any language is different. In direct method we need to focus on word and indirect method we need such theory and contextual meaning. As in example of direct method we can get the simple meaning and in indirect we need to go in deep otherwise we may fail to understand the real theme message or purpose of story. These both methods are the dual side of language. Without these both we can’t understand any story.


Nothingness and meaninglessness of life in ’Waiting For Godot’

Nothingness and meaninglessness of life in ’Waiting For Godot’

Name: Vanita P. Tadha
Class: MA SEM-3
Roll No.: 30        Year: 2015
Enrolment No.: pg14101029
Paper No.: 9[The Modernist Literature]
Submitted to: Department of English

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Nothingness and meaninglessness of life in ’Waiting For Godot’

Samuel Beckett

Samuel Beckett was born I Dublin in 1906. He befriended the famous Irish novelist James Joyce, and his first published work was an essay on Joyce. In 1951 and 1953, Beckett wrote his most famous novels, the trilogy Molloy, Malone Dies, and The Unnamable.
Waiting for Godot Beckett’s first play, was written originally in French in 1948. Beckett himself translated in to English. This play began Beckett’s association with the Theater of the Absurd, which influenced later playwrights like Harold Pinter and Tom Stoppard. The most famous Beckett’s play are Endgame (1958) and Krapp’s Last Tape (1959), Breath (1969), a thirty-second play. He was awarded the noble prize in 1969 and died in 1989 in Paris. (Beckett, 1950)

Nothingness and meaninglessness of life in ’Waiting For Godot’

‘Nothing to be done’

The play starts with negative connotation. A country road.  A tree Evening is the setting of the play. This setting is lifeless and ambiguous in term of religion. There are two tramp characters that cover the whole society. Their personality is totally different.

Two tramps have were a different prop which signifies the mentality of people. Vladimir wore hate which symbolizes the mastership, intellectuality and philosophy. Estragon has wear boots, which indicates the slavishness, and physical body structure. These both are different aspect of life but there is nothingness in life. If you go on searching knowledge or provide everything to body like food, sex and live happy but what it makes different?

Life is endless and we go on adding. One side play is insignificant and on other side it gives the root of life. They are passing their time by doing such things. These things is goes on repeating and it is meaningless.

 Waiting is a meaningless act. We all are waiting for such things. Our expectation is endless. If one thing get then we wait for next one but which is the ultimate thing for we wait?

In the play two characters Vladimir and Estragon are waiting for Mr. Godot. They do not aware about Mr. Godot like who is? How he looks? What he is doing? What will happen if Mr. Godot come?  They have only a kind of acquaintances.

Godot is a kind of desire, desire for death or success. It is a unfulfilled wish. It can be a subject of the play. It is an invisible and significant character of the play.

Estragon and Vladimir wants to go but they don’t move an inch because they are waiting for Godot.  They just are passing their time for waiting. They thought Godot will come tomorrow but tomorrow never comes. They want to suicide but they expect that he will come.  Their expectation makes them waiting.

Vladimir – Estragon - killing time in questions and conversation while waiting. It is an interesting sequence.

They try to go away but they can’t escape. They are representing human life. Vladimir is searching answer and remembering where as Estragon forget everything and busy to maintain his physical body. The central theme is killing time for unusual things.

In the middle end of the play Lucky and Pozzo comes. They are on behalf of master slave mentality. The obedience of Lucky is extremely irritating and nauseate.  Lucky’s behavior is abnormal. He is treating as pig by his master. He seems as wooden toy. When master Pozzo ordering to such things to do than he do and when he says stop than he stops. He is living like lifeless. He has nothing meaning for his life. Entering of Lucy and Pozzo is insignificant and meaningless. Why they come? What is the purpose of coming is uncertain.

At the end of first act a little boy cone to pass message of Mr. Godot. He speaks

 Mr. Godot told me to tell you he won't come this evening but surely tomorrow.

It signifies the endless tomorrow.  He gives very narrow answer to Vladimir. Then he runs away from there.  These represent as something hope is come in between and then it becomes a kind of glimpse for living life.

Act – 2

The beginning of both act is same, evening falls in to night and moon rises. It indicates the representation of nature. A few leaves grows it suggest the change of nature. Everything is goes on changing. It is for desire. In nothingness there is a meaning. Night indicates darkness of life but behind the darkness there is light. Sometimes waiting is nothing but sometimes it is reality of life.

Night – will night never come?

We are craving for salvation but it never comes on right time. When our goal is near to complete than it comes and provides hope for next one.

If we exchange both act than it doesn’t make any difference. Both acts are somewhere similar. Beckett understands the human life deep and then he wrote. The language is very simple and significant. Within a small sentence how message is conveying to audience or reader.

Again Estragon spends his time for sleeping. He does not care about other matter. He is busy with his life. He is forgetting everything. Vladimir was still waiting. When he feels loneliness at that time he wakes up to Estragon. They star quarreling each other and after sometimes the embrace. It means ultimately we have to do such things for permanent goal.

They are killing their time with questioning and moving. They decide to suicide but their body insists to live. Somewhere body is controlling our mind.

Again Pozzo and Lucky comes in second act. This time Pozzo is blind and Lucky is dumb. They are yet master slave. Vladimir ask are you same? But they denies. Their looks and name are same but the only different is that one is blind and another is dumb.

Pozzo asking for raise up and for the sake of humanity they help to rise but unfortunately one by one all falls down. They can rise up but they have not tried to rise up.

This time Pozzo is blind so Lucky has chance to run away but instead of that he gave his rope to master, Pozzo. He is still obeying his master. He has accepted everything.  He is making his master happy. His life has no meaning. He is living for master who is treating him as a pig. Totally the characters are despair.

Vladimir and Estragon want to know about these two but they fail. One way they are insignificant and another side it is a kind of human cycle that one after another man come and goes from life.
Pozzo and Lucky are ready to go away but Vladimir insists them to stay there because he wants to pass his time. Ultimately they go away and here still both are waiting with such expectation.
Same the boy come again for passing message. This boy is also same but refuse that he never comes before. He passed same message and then run away. What is the meaning of message? Hope or realty, message remain message still the end.

Life has no any meaning to live. Such question about life is uncertain. If we try to get answer then end never cone. Life is goes on adding.

Theater of the absurd

Critic Martin Esslin coined the term in hi 1960 essay “Theater of the Absurd”. He related these plays based on a broad theme of the Absurd, similar to the way Albert Camus uses the term in his 1942 essay, “The myth of Sisyphus”. The absurd of this play is man’s relation to world is meaningless. Man is a puppet controlled by invisible outside forces. Characters are caught to do repetitive or meaninglessness actions. The plot is cycle or absurdity.
Vladimir and Estragon control by invisible fear that is Mr. Godot and which itself absurd idea of Beckett to keep him center.

Existentialism in the play

This play is based on existentialism. The character like Vladimir and Estragon; why they are waiting? What is the meaning of time passes for unknown fellow? They can’t know about their life.
They are searching their self. What they are? Why they are here? They are suffering but still they are enjoying. They are accepting everything freely.

Lucky and Pozzo also try to find their self. They are roaming without meaning.
They are not free from fear. When the second time boy comes to pass message of Godot to Vladimir and Estragon at that time Vladimir speaks

Crist  murcy on us.

Still now they have expectation that Godot may come and may he have super natural power through which they can free from life. They are in such kind of ideology.

Search for the self

‘The Search for the Self’ essay by Martin Esslin on waiting for Godot. This play performed in front of arrested people. They are waiting for female character and it will not so then they want escape. The play performed well and audience likes it. They found their self in actor.
The language of play is simple but play was an esoteric. It’s totally on existential struggle. What is the reason behind human existence? In reality we all are searching our self in the world. The subject of the play is not Godot but waiting. This play is concern with the hope of salvation. (Esslin)


Thus the play is full of nothingness and meaninglessness. We can’t find a single point which is totally meaningful. Somehow character thinks that they are living happy life but they are threaten by invisible power structure. Waiting is meaningless and insignificant. They wait but nothing they able to achieve.

Works Cited

Beckett, S. (1950). Waiting for Godot. Amazon: Grove Press.
Esslin, M. (n.d.). The Search for the Self. Penguin Books, 1965 .

Use of Nature in two novels and a movie

Use of Nature: 1] The Scarlet Letter
                         2] The Old Man and the Sea
                         3] Hamari Adhuri Kahani

Name: Vanita P. Tadha
Class: MA SEM – 3
Roll No. : 30      Year: 2015
Enrolment No.: pg14101029
Paper No.: 10[The American Literature]
Submitted to: Department of English

To evaluate my assignment click here

Use of Nature: 1] The Scarlet Letter
                                     2] The Old Man and the Sea
                                3] Hamari Adhuri Kahani

1] The Scarlet Letter

Nathanial Hawthorn

 Nathanial Hawthorn was an American novelist and short story writer. His writings centers on New England, many featuring moral allegories with a puritan inspiration. His fiction works are considered a part of the Romantic Movement, and more specifically dark romantics. His published works includenovels, short stories and biography of his friend Franklin Pierce.

-          The House of the Seven Gables (1815)
-          Fanshawe (1852)
-          The Doliver Romance (1852)
-          Twice – Told Tales (1837)
-          The Scarlet Letter (1850) (Hawthorne, 1850)

Use of Nature in ‘The Scarlet Letter’

Nature plays a critical role in the Scarlet Letter. Nature acts in contrast to puritan society. It creates various symbol and imagery. Nathanial Hawthorn used dual side of Nature in the novel
1] Nature forces to characters
2] Human nature

1] Nature forces to characters

Generally forest symbolizes evil things like wild plant, wild animal and ghost. Nature used as a narrator of this novel. Nature is everything for human being. It gives strength to character.
1 .Nature,
 2. Hester,
 3. Pearl,
4. Dimmesdale
Nature plays a vital role in three characters: Hester, Pearl and Dimmesdale. Nature is something which provides sympathy in their life. It makes their life beautiful. The voice of nature can be sympathetic, judgmental, ironic, and warm and harsh. They are in the lap of Mother Nature. Nature provides courage and hope in each character.

Hester Prynne’s relationship to Nature and to the natural world

Hester Prynne waits seven year for her husband, Chilingworth but unfortunately he was not come and so she starts loving to Dimmesdale a priest of church. Due to the birth of Pearl she got punishment by the society. She accepts punishment and enters the forest with Pearl.
In the forest Hester shapes her true and real individuality. It is a real savior for her. It’s a kind of isolated place where she creates her own religion. She feels happy in the forest. There is nobody ready in society to accept her so she has happily accepted her punishment. It becomes a holy place for Hester. Nature is everything for Hester whether it is society or family.

Hester’s relation to Nature

Hester enters in the forest with her daughter, Pearl. She starts living there. She creates her own religion and own family in forest. Nature becomes a kind of society in her life. She has accepted her punishment happily because she knew that artificial society will not help but Nature will ready to accept everything.
“Coming back to Nature”

She is living in society but there were no one who can understand her condition. Only she knew that she is right and Nature will be with her. She has both experience, first she lived in society (with people) and second with Nature. She feels better to live in Nature than society.
In the forest Hester shapes her true and real individuality. Nature itself proved that it’s a real savior. Hawthorn gives the description of Nature is totally fresh. She has creates her own community. Nature is flexible and human nature is rigid for Hester. Hawthorn shows perfection in Nature and imperfection in human nature.

Pear’s relationship to Nature

By birth Pearl is extra ordinary child. She speaks truth and enjoyed the fruit of Nature. Hester gave her dream to Pearl. Hester and Pearl forced to form a community of own. They are n the lap of Mother Nature. The feels free because they are away from the responsibility.  Nature is a Pearl’s playmate. She is free from everything.

Pearl is an innocent girl and she is a symbol for Hester to live. She doesn’t aware about rules regulation of society so she is happy with Nature. She gets everything from Nature and therefore she does not think beyond the Nature. Nature is real savior of life.

Nature is also innocent but when we cross the boundaries of Nature then it becomes problematic. Pearl brought up in Nature. She played with plants and animals which provides her warm, love and attention. She never hoped for another child. She asked such silly questions to her mother which suggest that she learn so many things from Nature and she can able to rise against anything if she finds herself in problem.

Dimmesdale’s relationship to Nature

Dimmesdale is lover of Hester hut he doesn’t have courage or strength to accept Hester. He kept himself secret in society but he ever goes to meet Hester in the forest. He feels free in Nature because ther is no    who can stop loving.

For the puritans, the forest is a place of evil and ironically it becomes a holy place for Hester and       Dimmesdale: it is where they meet and “practice a holy feeling accompanied by beautiful and holy elements of Nature.

Human nature in novel

People were ready to give punishment. They don’t have ability to understand the situation of other. They have steeples mentality. Even Hester has no family and she needs support but they were forcing to her to speak the name of lover. Society is artificial. They are unaware about their work. Who is real sinner society or Hester? People are imperfect in the society.

Hester accept punishment. She knew that she is on right way still she accepts. It shows the strength of a woman. She proves that a woman can do everything. She doesn’t need help of other. She knew everything and if she tells all things than she will be like other and therefore she keeps hides. She creates her own morality in the forest. After her punishment she free from restriction.
Pearl learns so many things from Nature. She is innocent and doesn’t like any restriction. She wants to keep herself free.

Dimmesdale loves to Hester but he doesn’t have courage to accept. He thinks about his status. It seems he give much importance to it rather than human being or facing reality.
Chilingworth represent dual side in the novel. At first he was good but after knowing about Hester’s affair he becomes cruel. He thinks that a woman must follow her husband. He doesn’t want to accept his wife.
Use of Nature in ‘The Old man and The Sea’

Earnest Hemingway

Earnest Miller Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899 in Chicago. The newspaper advocated short sentences, short paragraphs, active verbs, authenticity, compression, clarity and immediacy. Hemingway later said:

“These were the best rules I ever learned for the business of writing. I’ve never forgotten them”. (2003, p. 1)

Hemingway has been considered a finer writer of short stories than of novels, and his collections Men without Women (1927) and Winner Take Nothing (1933) are particularly noble.
He lived motley in Cuba, Where his passion for deep sea fishing provided the setting for his most successful later work, The Old Man and The Sea (1952), a parable novella about man’s struggle against nature.
The novel is about the journey of Santiago, an old man. He went too far in to sea. He worked hard to catching a fish but when he reached at Havana the fish was already rubbed by sharks. He had a concept

Each time was a new time and he never thought about the past when he was doing it. (2003p. 46)

Santiago is an old man still he has hoped to achieve something new in life. He went too far in Nature. He doesn’t care whether he lives or die. There is description of month that anyone can go for fishing in May because the calmness of weather.

Anyone can be a fisherman in May (2003p. 8)

He went in September; it is a month o monsoon. The cycle of nature is ever changing. He starts his journey in morning. He lived alone on the sea but he think that no one is alone on sea because there are so many creature in sea.  He starts speaking with himself and even he doesn’t know when he has started speaking with himself.

The clouds over the land now rose like mountains and the coast was only a long green line with the grey-blue hills behind it. The water was dark blue now, so dark that it was almost purple. (2003p. 21)

The beautiful nature is on one day. The nature is changing every time. Even he cannot say that is it afternoon or evening?

Can that be the time of day? Or is it some sign of weather that I do not know? (2003p. 25)

He ever looking at sky and feels that he is alone but he could see the prisms in the deep dark water. It gives him relax. He fights against nature. He challenges the nature that he will go with achievement (fish).

Better weather for me than for you fish. (2003p. 42)

If the water is calm then it is better for old man to catch the fish and if it turns into wild than it will better for fish to save his life from old man.
He feels happy on sea. It is a time to think only about him. He starts believing in such relation with creature.

It is enough to live on the sea and kill our true brothers. (2003p. 53)

It is good to kill brother than enemy. He was very near to kill fish but whether was changing continuously.

“There will be bad weather in three four days’, he said, ‘But not tonight and not tomorrow”. (2003p. 57)

If weather is changing than he makes plan before the climate change. He ever tries to escape from bad (Hemingway E. , 2003)weather and he also succeeds. The sea is a long island for a man.

“A man is never lost at a and it is a long island” (2003p. 64)

How he is changing the perspective towards sea. In the sea we always find dark but an island gives sympathy and relax. The climate is totally dangerous but the perspective towards climax is calm.

Use of Nature in Hamari Adhuri Kahani

Mohit Suri is director of Hamari Adhuri Kahani. Use of Nature is totally different from both novels. The movie starts with forest where Vidya sacrifice her life. It gives relax from the world.
Here Nature is a symbol of love and innocent. Vidya Balan keeps life free with Nature. She used to keep herself with nature to forget her husband. In the movie flourish nature used as a symbol of peace and love. Nature is something which provides sympathy in their life. It makes her life beautiful.
When Imran Ashmin asked to Vidya that which thing you can make happy then replied Nature or flower. The place where Imran Ashmin dies was natural. Vidya’s husband Shri Hari wants to throw her ash at the place where Imran Ashmin dies.

Nature helps for their close relation and Nature itself responsible for their departure. Nature is a friend if we go on following otherwise it becomes wild for anyone. Nature is unexpected thing.
Vidya Balan is an innocent lady but she has to suffer a lot because of others behavior towards her. She behaved with her son as mother. She is providing everything but others police are looking at her as she is widow. Imran Ashmin mother gives sympathy but it turns in to problem.

She starts loving to Imran but letter on her husband came back to home. He was extremely looking as terrorist because he has spent 20 years with terrorist. He behaved as terrorist towards her wife Vidya.
Imran Ashmin gives a new life to Vidya but what is the meaning of new life because it becomes obstacle in her life. Mostly human behavior is calm but a few times it is dangerous or unexpected.
Shri Hari, her husband has love for her but he doesn’t want that she loves to other and therefore he turns in to cruel. All are good or right in their ways but circumstances creates problems in their life.


The nature in Scarlet Letter and Old Man and The Sea is somewhere similar. In Scarlet Letter forest is providing everything and even Hester and Pearl creates their own identity. In Old man and The Sea, the nature is wild but Santiago challenging to nature that he is capable I front of nature. In both novels there is wild nature but both symbolizing other one. In Hamari Adhuri Kahani, the nature is flourish and providing such kind of sympathy. Somewhere human behavior or human nature is similar in all three.

Works Cited

Hawthorne, N. (1850). The Scarlet Letter. United State: Ticknor, Reed & Fields.
Hemingway, E. (2003). The Old Man and The Sea. New Delhi: Peacock books.